Pathfinder Enrollment 2025
Now Open!
Enroll Today with one of our Early Bird Programs!
Early Bird Tuition Program
Open to returning families and alumni families
Receive a tuition discount!
Camper spot guaranteed for 2025
Campers receive annual Early Bird gift!
All tuition, taxes, and fees must be paid with full enrollment by December 1, 2024
Early Bird Deposit Program
Open to all families
Campers receive annual Early Bird gift
Camper spot guaranteed for 2025
Standard tuition rates apply
Tuition deposit ($600) and full enrollment must be received by December 1, 2024
Announcing New Age Group Names
For much of Pathfinder's history, the age groups used names of Indigenous peoples. In 2020 Pathfinder recognized that those names were not ours to use and shifted to names of common Algonquin animals. The COVID years saw smaller cohorts and so there were as many as 8 different cohorts named for Algonquin animals. Since 2022, the groups have been consolidated and named Loons, Ravens, and Bears. Beginning in 2025, we will adjust the animal names to refine their connection to Pathfinder culture and history. Specifically, new group names will match the lyrics of our beloved camp song.
Beginning Summer 2025:
Ages 8-10 - 'Loons' will remain 'Loons'
Ages 11-12 - 'Ravens' will become 'Foxes'
Ages 13-14 - 'Bears' will become 'Wolves'
Age 15 - AA's will remain AA's
Age 16 - LIT's will remain LIT's
To express interest and request an information package and call from the Camp Director, click 'Request Enroll Info'.
Camp will be fully enrolled for '25, with veteran's spaces already reserved spots are very limited.
Do not wait! Contact us asap.
Become A Pathfinder Camper Today
Scroll for our Rates & Dates for 2025
Rates & Dates 2025

New Session in 2025!
June Tripper Session
Ages 13 - 16
Our newest session option provides our older campers with an early season opportunity to get on the trail and build their tripping skills. This session is perfect for those boys whose school year ends in late May or early June.
June 15 - June 30
Standard Price
$ 3,200 USD
$ 4,000 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 2,880 USD
$ 3,600 CAD

2 Weeks
Age - 7 to 10 year old 'Loons'
Our Loon "two-weekers" plan 2-6 day canoe trips and enjoy their in-camp action with the full range of Pathfinder sport, skills and activities.
July 1-13 (A session)
July 13-25 (B session)
July 27-Aug. 8 (C session)
Aug. 8 - 20 (D session)
Standard Price
$ 3,300 USD
$ 4,175 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 2,975 USD
$ 3,760 CAD

2 Weeks
Age - 11 to 12 year old 'Foxes'
Our Fox "two-weekers" plan 2-10 day canoe trips and enjoy their in-camp action with the full range of Pathfinder sport, skills and activities.
July 1-13 (A session)
July 13-25 (B session)
July 27-Aug. 8 (C session)
Aug. 8 - 20 (D session)
Standard Price
$ 3,725 USD
$ 4,640 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 3,350 USD
$ 4,180 CAD

Half Season (3-1/2 Weeks)
Age - Available for ages 8+
'Staying the Half' means campers enjoy
2-3 canoe trips ranging from 2-18 days in Algonquin Park. AAs venture into the wild rivers of central Ontario and Quebec. Full in-camp program of canoe, swim, sport, bush skills, art and adventuring!
July 1-25 (1st half)
July 27 - Aug.20 (2nd half)
8-10 yrs. - "Loons"
11-12 yrs. - "Foxes"
13-14 yrs. - "Wolves"
15 yrs. - "AAs"
Standard Price
$ 5,125 USD
$ 6,550 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 4,625 USD
$ 5,900 CAD

Full Season (7 Weeks)
Age - Available for ages 8+
Staying the whole summer gives campers of all ages the fullest Pathfinder experience.
*Recommended for campers age 13-14 (multiple longer trips) & age 15 (options for 32-40 day northern trips). A 'Leader in Training' (LIT) full season is available to veteran age-16 boys at the Director's invitation.
8-10 yrs. - "Loons"
11-12 yrs. - "Foxes"
13-14 yrs. - "Wolves"
15 yrs. - "AAs"
16 yrs. - "LIT" by invite
July 1 - Aug. 20
Standard Price
$ 9,550 USD
$ 11,950 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 8,600 USD
$ 10,750 CAD

1 Week
Age - 7 year old 'Loons'
Our youngest campers' first experience of Pathfinder life. 1:1 counselor ratio with a full in-camp program and an exciting overnight, age-friendly canoe trip.
July 1 - July 8 (A session 1 week)
July 27 - Aug. 3 (C session 1 week)
Standard Price
$1,375 USD
$ 1,725 CAD
Early Bird Price
$ 1,375 USD
$ 1,725 CAD

Family Camp
All Ages, Boys & Girls
A chance for families to experience the magic of Pathfinder Island together! Perfect for prospect campers, current camper parents and siblings, and families looking for a place to unplug and reconnect.
July Family Camp: July 8 - 11
August Family Camp: August 1 - 4
Fall Family Camp: September 26 - 29
Standard Price Adults 16 & Over
$400.00 USD
$535.00 CAD
Standard Price Kids 15 & Under
$320.00 USD
$430.00 CAD
Payment Details
Ways to Pay
Pathfinder offers convenient methods for payment of camper tuition & fees:
Personal Cheque
Fees payable to ‘Camp Pathfinder.’ Mail your cheque payments to:
Camp Pathfinder, 49 Sommer Ave, Maplewood, NJ USA 07040.
Credit Card
Through our online enrollment portal, fees may be paid in total or by installments
with your Visa and MasterCard.
A 2.55% convenience fee is applied for payments by credit card.
Wire, Zelle and Interac e-Transfer
To wire funds from your financial institution, contact Will at the
Pathfinder office for routing details.
To use Interac e-Transfer ($CND only), send to: whopkins@camppathfinder.com
To use a Zelle transfer ($USD only), send to: whopkins@camppathfinder.com
Tuition Basics
Tuition, Tax and 'Tuck'
-Tuition covers the camp facility, program, staffing, food service and shared equipment.
-Tax is tax. Canada charges 13% HST.
-Ontario Parks charges a fee that is 4% of tuition paid. This fee is charged to your 'Tuck' account.
-A 'Tuck Deposit' is an amount put on deposit with the camp by each family for their camper, based on his length of stay. This covers the expenses he personally accumulates. The idea here is for no parent to pay a higher tuition rate so as to cover an average of expenses of other campers.
Tuck Deposits:
1 weeker - $200
2 weeker - $400
Half (Loons, Foxes) - $500
Half (Wolves, AA's) - $600
Full Season (Loons, Foxes, Wolves) - $600
Full Season (AA's) - $3750 (*see below - Tripping)
Enrollments and Payments
​Enrollment Terms and Conditions
View our full terms and conditions here. To complete your enrollment, you will need to acknowledge and agree to these terms and conditions.
To enroll your son, click 'Sign Up' and proceed to our online enrollment web page. Easy steps help you to enroll your camper and choose payment options. On receipt of your enrollment and tuition deposit or initial payments, we'll send you a Confirmation Statement. Pay any balance from this statement, or choose to have your credit card billed automatically. Your Confirmation Statement includes the payment rates and options, terms and conditions, and the payment due dates. [Pathfinder may be able to accommodate other arrival and departure times if absolutely necessary. Call Camp if you have questions.]
At the end of the summer sessions, you'll also receive a Final Statement. This summary will detail all the expenses your Camper had, including those charged against your Tuck Deposit. A copy of the Camper's camp store tally sheet is also available. Remember, Campers' personal expenses are charged against their Tuck Deposit. The Tuck Deposit is part of your total camp fee, and is described in detail on this page. Here's some detail about the expenses you'll see itemized on the confirmation statement and the final statement...
Our enrollment Confirmation Statement, and a season-end Final Statement show what payments camp has received from you.
The Confirmation Statement and Final Statement both show the basic Camp Fee in US or CN funds depending on which currency your family paid. They also show the taxes charged for HST (shown as pst/gst), and any credit card fees. They also show the Tuck Deposit amount paid by you, credited to your son's expenses for the session.
Summer camp fees are subject to Canada's HST at 13% which combines the provincial and federal taxes.
Tuck Deposit
Tuck Deposit Credit
Tuck Deposit Credit line shows how much tuck money you have on account for your camper.
Expense Lines
All shown in your selected currency on your final statement.
Ontario Parks Lease Tax
Everyone patronizing the camps of Algonquin Park is charged 4% of the base camp tuition fee by Ontario Parks. This is a government fee and not a Pathfinder charge.
When your camper goes on a Pathfinder canoe trip, any incidental expenses, transport or back country permit fees for that trip are charged equally among the members of the trip. If your camper was given a special meal or program during the trip, this cost is also included in 'Tripping.'
* The oldest campers (Wolves & AA's) often take long trips of 2-6 weeks or more. The long trips often involve long bus or train transports with canoe freight. Some trips even use airline flights to return from the far north. The Director will advise Parents if higher costs are expected for their son's trips. Full Season AA tuck deposits are significantly higher to account for these additional expenses.
Laundry is offered weekly at camp. If the boys are in-camp they can drop off laundry at the Kitchen Dock one morning, and collect it the next. Each camper's laundry is washed separately and kept with his own laundry bag. The service comes from Huntsville. We are charged roughly $14.00 per load washed, folded and delivered. A camper's laundry charge per bag may vary depending on its size. Most boys have a couple of laundry's per session. Older campers may only have one because they're on trip. Younger boys may not send out any laundry due to their short camp stays.
Gear / Candy Store
Parents sometimes call, shocked that their camper ate $200 worth of candy! Actually, this account covers a multitude of items. Normally, high charges here mean the camper ordered sleeping bag, paddle, vest and other gear. Gear / Candy Store includes candy bars or lifesavers, letter paper and envelopes, postage, candy store dry goods such as books, pamphlets, toothbrushes and soap, batteries and flashlights, ball caps, t-shirts, sweatshirts, water bottles, Park maps, etc. etc. The Camp annual Poster is billed here for all Campers.
This is the actual cost of any motor coach ride(s) the camper took to or from camp, for example airport shuttles or the Rochester, Buffalo and Toronto camp motor coaches.
Total cost is divided equally among riders on a given trip.
Miscellaneous / Medical
This line is for medical bills such as doctor's visit, hospital treatment, or prescription meds for your camper. Receipts from these are sent home so you can recover part or all of the expense from your medical coverage. The Misc. items here are generally tiny: a trip meal is bought at McDonald's, or an ice cream treat from Bartlett Lodge on Cache Lake. CITs may draw petty cash for their days off, and that is shown on this line as well. Any unpaid tuck balance from the previous year is also shown here.
This is the GST charged only on whatever items above are GST taxable.
Tuck Balance (cn)
This is the remaining credit or balance owed in Canadian funds.
US conversion
Each summer we set a conversion rate based on currency exchange rates for June through August. If you're a US family or from overseas, we make this conversion to give you a final balance in US funds. If you're a Canadian family, we omit this calculation and show your balance in CN funds.
Balance Due Camp / Credit
It's one or the other: a positive balance you owe Camp, a negative balance Camp owes you. Amounts under $5.00 either way are waived.
If a family is owed a sibling credit or a referral credit, it is shown as a deduction from the final balance.