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Summer 2022 At Our Doorstep

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Season 2022

Edit June 25, 2022

The Nitty Gritty Measures for '22

You can read more on our web site this week about the Covid Plan for Pathfinder 2022. All camper families will receive an e-blast directing them to our site for the final details before the Big Moment.

Spread of a sub-variant of Covid is very high right now. Our objective is to onboard all campers July 1 with a solid confidence all are Covid-free. Your role is as crucial as any!

a. Now’s The Time to limit camper interactions outside the household and to track household health and prepare to at-home test.

b. Please refer to and use your household screener page, sent to you on email. It is vitally important that your household share any symptoms or exposures with this report, and to record 3 at-home rapid tests for your camper in the run-up to travel to Pathfinder. Your son will take 3 at-home rapid tests 48-hours / 24-hours / and morning of travel to camp.

You then scan / email (no photos) the form the night before or morning of travel, letting me know the final test on travel day is negative. If your camper had Covid in May or June, there’s still a chance he will test positive so be sure to let me know dates/specifics. We may waive or interpret the test differently.

If your camper becomes Covid-positive or has a close-contact during the coming week, just call me and we’ll make a plan to get him up to Camp asap but safely.

c. Travel to camp. If flying to us, the most important move is to mask faithfully throughout travel including at airports. If using the camp bus, expect a simple health screening at the bus stop and for a masked ride to camp. If parent drop off at camp, we’ll meet and screen everyone at the Car Dock and can welcome parents to see the island if they are able to test and wear a mask at that time.

d. Know that the camper age groups will be living in their own cohorts, in segregated tent areas and dining at distance from other cohorts at meal times. They may also mask for indoor interactions with others, and these will be avoided when possible.

e. If anyone becomes Covid-positive while at Camp, he will be cared for and begin his isolation period, while his cohort mates will maintain their group, segregate from the other groups and continue to health screen. If a camper must go home to recover, he may return for another session, of course.

An Overview

While enduring a closed camp season in 2020 was a bitter disappointment for all, undertaking a vibrant 2021 Pathfinder season during the Covid-19 pandemic represented an extraordinary commitment from everyone in our community, on behalf of our community’s well-being.

Pathfinder operated Covid-free in 2021, with a limited enrollment but a full complement of staff. Serving only Canadian families for most of the season, the camp was able to accept about a dozen American boys after the border opened Aug. 9, 2021.

This coming season, beginning June 25, with a vaccination requirement for staff and campers, and plans to continue a number of 2021 measures, Pathfinder feels confident, but is aware of the high transmissibility of current COVID variants, and of their ability to cause breakthrough infections in vaccinated people.

During this effort, the Camp remains committed to Pathfinder’s core mission, vision and values.

A key facet of our success will be the timely, open, fulsome and honest communication between all parties, assuming best intentions between Pathfinder’s many stakeholders. With transparent and complete communication between families and camp, Pathfinder remains devoted to a safe, fun and enriching summer for all participants.

It can be expected that unknowns have yet to come into focus, and there may be challenges this season requiring everyone to be stoic, flexible and light on their feet. This may include an increased risk of an outbreak during the season, given the highly infectious nature of current subvariants of Covid-19.

It can also be expected that Pathfinder people will thrive as they have thrived throughout our history, including during periods of world conflict, depression and pandemic challenge, precisely because of our approach – to our special place, to canoe tripping, and to sharing each other’s company “in the bonds of the woods.”

In summary, the 2022 Covid-adaptive plan for Pathfinder includes (until altered by circumstance or directive) the typical full season of activity. This included spring opening traditions and staff on-boarding, outdoor education programs and conferences, staff training and island preparation for a full camper experience. We'll continue on with autumn programming after the summer. Summer camper sessions are as traditional, along with an autumn program of outdoor education with our traditional school partners.

Wilderness canoe tripping remains a central activity.

Broad strokes of Pathfinder’s plan include staff and camper pre-screening, testing, and approved transit to camp.

At camp, practices will include enhanced hand and respiratory hygiene, the use of prescribed cohorting, albeit larger groups by age this year, with a controlled enrollment capacity, and a focus on health screening, outdoor programming, cleaning and disinfection practices.

A key difference from 2021 is that Pathfinder will be open to vetted tradesmen, visitors and family campers at times. Another key is that all staff and campers will be fully vaccinated against Covid-19. Vaccination proof and a pre-arrival rapid tests will be required. Staff time away from camp is subject to limitation of scope and to use of masking, with testing to return to camp.

Additional testing may be employed, the goal will be to ensure a healthy population in order to expand programming, to quickly identify, care for and isolate those who may be positive or exposed, and possibly to enlarge cohorts from their limitations after a successful beginning interval. We can also use testing to clear long trippers before their departure for the wilds.

Living, dining, bathing, toileting, health-wellness, trips and program activity will be accomplished with the cohort plan in place.

Interaction between cohorts, as well as access to camp and forays away from camp, will be per the plan.

Outbreak management is a key concept of this year’s plan. In the event of anyone experiencing symptoms consistent with the possibility of Covid illness, isolation and assessment with testing will be complemented by notification of everyone concerned. In addition, expect quarantine of known contacts but with active programming continuing, testing as directed to clear those involved, and treatment of any patient(s).

As advised by parents, medical directors and public health authorities, a Covid-positive patient will be treated and assisted to return home to recover. Whether staff or camper, it may be possible for a participant to return to camp once confirmed ‘clear’ of Covid-19.



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